Sunday, March 20, 2011

First meeting

Riley told me this today. I think he's told this to me before but I forgot. But we were talking about dad and Riley recalled the first thing dad said to him.

"Hi, don't worry Amy's mom doesn't look like me. I'm ugly. Amy's mom is beautiful, elegant, and graceful. Luckily, Amy looks like her mom."

Anyway, this was a short story but I thought it was funny. This was a typical comment dad made about his apperance. He always thought he was ugly. He wasn't ugly. But then he always commented on mom's good looks.



Ryan said...

That's funny. Dad is very good at meeting people for the first time. It's always been a goal of mine to improve in that area and Dad is a good example.

After I had been dating Melanie for a couple of months, Dad called and I handed the phone to Melanie. They had a good, normal conversation even though Melanie and I were still in the awkward stages of our relationship and they hadn't met yet.

Ryan said...

Also, Amy and Riley were the first members of our family to meet Melanie. Amy and Riley were dating and came with their friends to see a rock show of mine at the Hollywood Juice Cafe in Provo.

I told Amy to embarrass me by telling Melanie that I liked Melanie. Amy did it and it worked!