Thursday, February 19, 2009

a few thoughts....

1. Why are the people who are not paying their bills ie: mortgages; and creating more debt being rewarded with help from the president?

2. What is the point of Reality TV? We always talk about how deplorable celebrities are but what about all these freaks that turn up on reality tv shows, survior, rock of love, big brother, etc...liars and sexual deviants. Is this how we are evolving as humans?

3. Did anyone like the movie "The Village" besides me and michael?


Amy said...

These are all good thoughts. I'm a little surprised you liked "The Village." After witnessing your reaction to "Valkyrie" I thought you only watched Disney movies and action-packed movies. "The Village" was a little dark.

Carrie or Kyle said...

The answer to this is simple and can be found in the scriptures. "Am I my brothers keeper?"

Yes, we are each other's keepers. Its not about rich, poor, black or white. Its about us sticking together as a nation of brothers and sisters. Where one is poor, we should be there to lift them, regardless of their financial situation.

Essentially, I guess you're saying that you hate poor people. Am I right? Since they are poor, they shouldn't have homes. Since they are black or hispanic, we rich white people shouldn't help them out.

To me it sounds like your a cold-hearted racist. I bet you didn't vote for Obama either because of his race.


janellelee said...

i beg to differ you silly little man...who said anything about race but you?? you are assuming those who cannot pay their bills are of ethnic background...hmmm, you are quite obviously the racist.
Perhaps, Kyle, you need to read from all of the standard works and see the broad spectrum of the teachings of our prophets, and not just the spit out seminary scripture mastery scriptures.

And I found these comments about self reliance by Marion Romney very interesting:
"The most fundamental principles of temporal salvation include two concepts: providing for oneself—self reliance—and providing for one’s family—family reliance. The first principle, that of self-reliance, grows out of a fundamental doctrine of the Church—that of agency. The doctrine of agency is based on the truth that the basic essence of man is comprised of spirit matter, or intelligence, which by its very nature is independent “in that sphere in which God has placed it, to act for itself. … Behold, here is the agency of man.” (See D&C 93:26–38;

and when you get a chance you could check out this very helpful website provided by the LDS church...

cobrakaidojo said...

Here is my $1.00 worth of thought:

1. Unfortunately we live in a world of greed, selfishness, dishonesty,
and laziness due to our complacency
and unthankfulness towards all the advancements, improvements and
wealth in our great country! This
country as a whole has been greatly
blessed with many freedoms and rights. And most people have found a
way to improve their lives. It is the lesser of the majority who
don't get the idea of "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" and
take care of yourself. I believe all that bailout money should be
going to "the people". We are the
ones who suffer from the lying and
greediness of the big companies who only award the top few with the monies that are given!!! Shame on the elite government leaders who allow this to happen and then say it will "trickle down". That is a joke!!! The results of this greed and lying are layoffs, downsizing and people
losing their long-term savings.

2. The reality shows are ridiculous drivel. Survivor??!,
Lost??!!. Dancing with the Stars!!?? Come on!! When were you
really in such a situation? What
a joke!! I can feel my brain turning to mush-mush-mush!!!aaaaah!!!! Where are the
shows that show life as they ought
to be; that teach a little bit of a life's lesson? (re: Andy Griffith, Leave it to Beaver)

3. Didn't see it. Probably won't see it!

Amy said...

"Lost" is most definately not a reality TV show. It is a show about people who crashed on a very mysterious island.