Friday, November 20, 2009

Christmas Time!

What are everyone's plans for Christmas? Mel and I are planning to attend the Boyer Christmas in Utah. We have purchased our plane tickets for it. Mom, how are you going to get there?

Gift exchange? Who wants to draw names?

How is everyone doing? I am in the throws of finals and I will be glad to have a break from school for a few months this winter. We are having a baptism service tomorrow for an individual who the Missionaries have taught over the last little while.

I am interested in all of your thoughts on this question: is art man-made OR a naturally-occurring phenomenon? You can interpret the question as you wish. I expect an answer from each of you.



janellelee said...

we are probably going to be spending christmas in kennewick. we will miss out on all the boyer fun! i think we should do a gift exchange! ryan, why dont you be in charge of that. i cant believe it is already dec. as for your last question...i dont understand it...but cant it be both??