Tuesday, April 6, 2010

24 Weeks Pregnant

Sorry Jon didn't mean to cut in but I was planning on posting this. These are 3D pictures of our child. Some of you know that we are NOT finding out what the gender is but here are some face pictures they took today at my doctors appointment. I had what's called a targeted ultra sound. A technitian looked and made sure the baby had all of its toes. The baby weighs 1lb 4 oz. We're very excited. We still haven't come close to agreeing on names. I guess we'll have to just use the ones I like.

This is an accurate picture of my pregnant belly as of today.


Ryan said...

Glad to see that your pregnancy is going well, Amy.

If your baby is a boy, my vote is: Artimus or Hopper.

If your baby is a girl, my vote is: Ezme (pronounced Ezmay) or Poppy

Just kidding! I think it's hilarious what people from our generation are naming their kids.

janellelee said...

technology is amazing!!! those are GREAT pictures!!! that is so fun to see your baby move. i still cant believe you are having a baby!