Monday, April 19, 2010

I don't Understand


Even though my last post had ZERO comments I'm going to discuss something I feel very strongly about. I don't want to offend anybody but I can't help but voice my opinion. I cannot for the life of me understand WHY people want their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, mothers-in-law, or aunts in the delivery room while they are having a baby. Why? "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills."

From others I've heard the reason to have extra people in the delivery room is to share the moment with them. That doens't make sense to me because the moment should be shared with your husband. Not your mommy or Nana. It's YOUR family unit. I haven't delivered a baby yet, but since it's coming up in a few months I've been thinking about what a special experience it will be with my husband. I feel like having more people in the room will only distract from the spiritual atmosphere I want to have after the baby comes.

Another reason I've seen how having more people in the delivery room can cause problems is because the father of the baby gets completely pushed aside and ignored. They make the experience to be about the mother leaving the father out of the loop. It's supposed to be a shared experience for the parents. I have seen a case where the father was the last one to hold his own child, even a brothers' girlfriend that was in the delivery room had held the baby before the dad (the girlfriend is no longer in the picture by the way). There is something seriously wrong with that sitution. That doesn't seem fair at all.

The last reason I will mention is that I don't need other people to watch me go through that violent process. There are some gross things that happen, which I will not go into detail about, that other people don't need to see. I will not say anything more.

Anyway, those are some of my reasons. I hope I didn't offend anyone but I'm just stating my opinion.



You Are My Fave said...

I've had this conversation with you before and I couldn't agree more. For such a personal thing, I think it's strange that you would want to share that with a roomful of people. Maybe I'm just modest. My family can enjoy the baby after the birth without thinking about my legs spread apart and the placenta.

cobrakaidojo said...

i don't care if i am a man, i will voice my opinion. both of you need to chill out! the most important thing in the labor process is that both the mother and baby survive the delivery and that the baby is healthy, NOT who is present at the delivery. i don't think the baby will be confused who his father is if the father fails to hold him within 5 minutes of delivery. their is nothing wrong with having mothers present. having a baby is not degrading it is natural. your just having a baby, billions of people have had them before you!

janellelee said...

yes, women have been having babies for thousands of years...i dont think amy's point is that the baby will be confused as to who his/her father is, i think amy is trying to reiterate the scripture " Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh." i agree with is weird + unsanitary + annoying. the labor process (as a mother who has birthed 4 children) is not a show or an "event" or a family reunion. it is a special time for a family to receive a new member of THEIR family, in the cleanest, most loving way possible. you dont need to have a gazillion people in their with you...why the heck would they want to be anyway?

Ryan said...

Either is acceptable as long as it is the mother and father's decision. Shouldn't be anyone elses decision but Amy and Riley's.

who left the cobrakaidojo comment?

Amy said...

For the record, nobody is forcing me to do anything. It's pretty common here. I was just thinking about it today. I'm pretty sure Jon left the cobrakaidojo comment.

cobrakaidojo said...

Here is my thoughts. There are numerous reasons that at the deliver it should only be the parents of the baby.

The baby needs to not be subject to any germs from others unnessisarily there. This is a serious problem for babies. They are very vulnerable to illness.

Science has proven that it is important for the baby to bond with mother and father at birth.

If there was a problem that arose during the process of delivery the mother and baby get the fastest care when the nurses and doctors don't have to step around relatives to take care of the problem. It could be dangerous.
Yes, giving birth has been going on for thousands of years but there is alot of women that die or suffer complications during the process.

Labor is stressful and intense. It is life threatening. It is not an entertainment forum! It is serious business that occurs during this time.

The father and mother are the ones that created that little human being and they are the only ones that should be in attendance. It is their! new family member.