Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm feeling a little bit like Pharoah

So we've had some weird stuff lately going on with our house. First, I saw this hanging in my bathroom window a few weeks ago:

(It was gone by nighttime)
And yesterday, I had this crawling in the cracks of my front door and big living room window:
Has our family been cursed? Is there some reason I have these plagues attacking our home? Are my children enslaved by my strict rules about Nintendo? Have I given them too many chores? Am I like Pharoah? Should I let my children go free? I'm looking for an explanation in the hopes that these frightening episodes will leave me alone...


janellelee said...

the bat story made me laugh! i cant believe you had that experience...and now a ladybug infestation? yikes...hopefully you wont walk out to the garage and find that a huge spider has turned it into its web and there is a huge pulsating sac full of baby spiders...(arachniphobia)...

Amy said...

Jen, perhaps try to keep a healthier and clean environment. J/k. I would freak out at seeing a bat hanging out my window.