Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Boycott or See

Since our family loves Karate Kid, I wondered what everyone thinks of the new remake. Are you boycotting because a remake could never touch the original? Christian assures me that this new one will be much better than the old one. So we'll be going to see it (at least some of us will go to see it--I try to limit Joseph's exposure to violence because he tries everything he sees out on Gracie). Let me know what you think...


Amy said...

I am actually boycotting the movie. I just don't find a 10 year old very convincing as a karate kid.

Ryan said...

We will probably go see it when it comes to the dollar theater. I think it will be different enough that it will stand apart from Karate Kid, the Ralph Maccio Story

janellelee said...

michael really wants to see it b/c we love the karate kid, but thats exactly why i dont want to see it...michael will go see it and i will not. this movie is not one that i would risk a random staff infection by going to sit in the dank theater. we will rent it i'm sure. but i already know it will be a great disappointment to the original. the initial fight between daniel and the cobrakai was over a girl...and i agree w/amy...why would 10 year olds get fired up and intense about anything, let alone a girl...

cobrakaidojo said...

The kids are supposed to be 12 or 13 years old, not 10. I remember myself at the age of 12, just hitting puberty. My hormones were raging, I got angry or offended really easily, I felt infatuated with every pretty girl I saw. I hadn't yet developed a muscular physique, yet I had these strange new hormonal urges that I didn't understand, and I felt like I needed to lash out at everyone who crossed me. I think that this story is EASILY believable for any 12/13 year old.

jenbahrens said...

Are we saying that children are incapable of experiencing strong emotion? Is there no drama in the life of a 10-year old? I disagree with that point.

However, I think that most of the reviewers agree that this Karate Kid does not have the emotional impact of the original.

cobrakaidojo said...

this will be pathetic compared to the original, on so many levels. it shouldnt even be called "karate kid" but "kung fu kid." it is a mockery of a perfectly good 80's movie. it looks very stupid.


janellelee said...

i would like to point out that i have NEVER seen 10-12 year old boys in a fist fight/brawl, where 1 kid takes a hit to the stomach, then retaliates back w/a punch in the face...and so the dance continues. has this ever occured? it is unbelievable that this age group of boys have the raw nerves of steal and muscle tone of a 21 year old street just sayin'

Ryan said...

Amy and Janelle have forgotten what it is like to be 10-12 years old.

Jon is clinging to the past.

Jen believes that empathy for a character in a movie, for her, is only possible for a character who plays a married, thirty-something mother of five.