Thursday, October 14, 2010


One of these has made itself comfortable in Somerset 103. I was sitting at our kitchen table, talking with my roommates. I noticed tiny jerking movements out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head, and there on the stove, was that. It crawled vertically, pricking its little claws into the cheap metal for grip, down a pipe and into the oven. We opened the oven, only to find the thing not in there. It was gone. We opened all of the cupboards below the counter, and found the holes. The holes it had been using to travel between its hoards of food (my roommate's food). It had, without a doubt, already been spreading plenty of disease on this food. My roommates had put this food into their mouths for sustenance. It had done the same. And it will continue to do the same, until we find it and squash its little brain onto the kitchen floor. And where there's one, there are very likely more.


jenbahrens said...

You seriously need to talk to your landlord. I'm sure that's against some kind of code they're beholden to. Or you need to have Sweetie shipped to your apartment to rip the guts out of the mice.

Ryan said...

Will you please remove those pictures from the website as they are giving me anxiety attacks.

You can tell your property manager about the problem and I am sure they are required to do something.

That is disgusting. I would pay for a hotel until the problem is resolved.

Amy said...

That's awful. I would disinfect everything in that kitchen as soon as the problem is fixed and the mice are dead.

janellelee said...

Those photos of the mice are too close. I am with breathing became short and quick when i opened this post.
yes, tell your landlord ASAP!!!
each fall i pray that we do not get any in our house. luckily we live on a street w/lots of cat owners.
these creatures are in my nightmares. sorry evan...and yes, when there is one...there is many...

fiddler said...

Why on Earth would you call the thing diseased and want to kill it? Most of them aren't diseased and it's not healthy to desire the violent end of other mammals. It's just a mouse, not an infestation of roaches...