Thursday, January 17, 2008

A bunch of things nobody probably cares about

I'm going to admit, I've definitely been a contributer to the lack of posts on this site. I think about posting and then talk myself out of it because I feel like what I have to say probably isn't worth wasting your time with, but at Amy's request I will speak even if nobody is listening.

Amy, never be ashamed to admit that you're excited about a tv show. The writer's strike has basically ruined my life. I am now forced to watch American Gladiators (okay, we really only watched this once and Ryan liked it far more than I did) and The Apprentice. It's so painful that I actually don't turn on the tv most nights and resort to reading and going to be early. What a shame. I am very excited about Lost but disappointed that it's on Thursday nights now. That means The Office, 30 Rock, Scrubs and Lost are all on the same night. And unlike the rest of the US population, Ryan and I don't have a TIVO. Heck, we don't even have cable. Most of our Thursday nights will now be occupied by balancing the antenna on top of the tv.

I have tried to stay out of the election as much as possible until the final candidates are chosen but Ryan is making that hard to do. Last week, because he didn't have school, he probably spent 5 hours a day looking at political websites and listening to and watching political commentary. I didn't think I had any strong opinions about any of the candidates until last week when Hilary won New Hampshire and I suddenly found myself ranting about the only reason she won is because she had cried the day before and she just thinks she's so awesome and doesn't think anybody could beat her and blah blah blah. I guess I really dislike Hilary. I think Ryan found the whole situation quite humorous. I would just like to say, Jon listen up, that I am basically middle of the road when it comes to politics but I do not have anything against Democrats and would not mind voting for Obama. There I said it, Jon can now disown me as his sister in law.

Now for some actual news- if everybody wasn't informed, I did get a job at an advertising agency in December. Finding a job that I actually wanted was a lot more challenging then I thought it would be and took a lot more time but I'm really grateful that I am now working full time and for the most part enjoying it. I mean, I would rather just get money for sleeping in and shopping everyday but if I have to have a job, this is a good one.

We hope that we will be able to see everybody this summer, and are always on the look out for cheap tickets. As always, everybody is welcome to come to Denver where we will outfit you with a futon and some boxed brownies.

P.S. Two movies I am looking forward to seeing that you might be entertained by also 1. King of Kong: Fistful of Quarters 2. Be Kind, Rewind (I have a platonic crush on Jack Black. But really, who doesn't?)

We also just saw Juno last week which I really liked but if you don't like movies full of sarcasm, normalness, and emotional yet witty plots then it won't be your fave.


Jonny said...

its nice to see that you finally have distanced yourself from hilary, i dont know what prompted that move but it was the right one. As for obama, i can understand a person wanting to vote for him. good luck at your new job!

janellelee said...

everyone is into lost! we missed the boat on that one. the only person i have heard that didn't like it was jon. thanks for the personal insight. we hope you do enjoy your job!

Amy said...

Thanks for posting Melanie, I really do like to read anything happening in anyone's life. I'm glad you got a job you enjoy, have fun! Janelle, Riley and I have season's 1-3 of Lost. I will bring it next time and you can watch it. And Jon, you never gave Lost a chance.