Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It's all over

Well, now this election becomes a choice between the lesser of two evils.



Jonny said...

mccain is a liar. he lied about romney's statement about iraq. mccain is running on honor, yet he ran a dishonorable campaign. he is a fraud. he is also to old to be president. he will die of natural causes while in office. i cant believe people voted for him over romney. any intelligent person would vote for romney. our country is dead. romney was our only hope. mccain will lead us into wwIII because of his hot temper. he left his wife when he came home from vietnam to marry a richer more beautiful woman. he is a scoundral. if it is mccain obama my vote is going to obama.

Ryan said...

Jon, you've seen the light! Obama is infinitely better an option than McCain. McCain is a war hero, but so are many other Americans who fought in our wars.

As to the American people, the maxim of Obi Wan Kenobi comes to mind: "Who's more of the fool? The fool? Or the fool who follows the fool?"

janellelee said...

i am laughing for 3 reasons...
1. the picture is hilarious.
2. jon's passion about mccain
3. ryan quoting star wars in reference to a primary race.

i am also saddened by people's effort and belief in mccain. who will be his running mate? guilianni? that would be a wonder team.
obama is looking better&better. i only pray that the billary team DOES NOT happen!

jenbahrens said...

In the end, this may help Romney. After 8 years of less than stellar Republican governance, it would be hard for any republican to win the White House. Once McCain loses to the democrat nominee, and that person messes everything up for the next four years, Romney will be well-situated for a 2012 bid. He will only be 64 (right?) and will have had 4 years in which to maintain consistent positions.

I don't know if I would vote for Obama, but he sure does know how to deliver a good speach.


Ryan said...

I have considered that as well. I believe that if Clinton wins the general election, the republicans will only let her stay in office for 4 years. Romney will defeat her in 2012. Or if McCain wins the general election, then Obama will certainly be the president in 2012.

Jonny said...

thats a good point about romney in 2012. my vote will go to obama; why vote for a fake liberal if you can have the real thing?

cobrakaidojo said...

Children, let me give you some insight. Are you serious?

Obama is pro-government, pro-choice, pro-tax, anti-business, anti-individual responsibility. He has no experience in anything and has never accomplished anything. He will not protect our nation because he doesn't get the threat, doesn't get the world. It is insufficient to have as our leader someone whose assets are primarily those of a good speaker and good personality. I don't trust him based upon what he experimented with in his youth, and I fear his naivette.

McCain is pro-life, pro-making the bush tax cuts permament (consider this item carefully you young families just starting out), pro-protecting Americans above everything else. He is cranky, and ill-tempered, but a patriot who understands the dangers in the world. I don't like him and am worried about his temperment, but the alternataive to me is unthinkable.


Ryan said...

Father's argument rings true. It will probably be Clinton v. McCain and McCain will get my vote. His ill-temper doesn't bother me. Compare McCain's opportunistic parading with the quiet heroism of Richard Winters of the 101st Airborne, the central figure of the Stephen Ambrose docu-drama "Band of Brothers." You tell me who represents a true war hero. McCain came home from the POW camp and has made a living off the fact that his dad was high up in the military and the media made a spectacle of his capture. Winters reluctantly gave interviews, became a farmer, and stayed married to the woman who was waiting for him to return. McCain accomplished nothing in Vietnam; Winters liberated concentration camps. McCain left his former wife, who waited for him while in prison, for a prescription drug addict and heiress to the Anheiser-Busch fortune. My choice will be McCain, but mark my words: he will lose to Clinton.

cobrakaidojo said...

I agree with Ryan. I do not like McCain but heaven help us with the choices we are going to have.


jenbahrens said...

I'm with Dad on this one.
