Friday, January 18, 2008

from janelle

Things I am into this week:

1. obsessivly bleaching my hair. i went over-board.

2. my primary calling. it is always an outlet for me to flex my strong urge to control and organize. and i indulge my inner secret of having a position of power.

3. i hooked up super mario brothers again and have been playing it a little.

4. i have been walking everyday, sometimes twice a day. i even got up a few time before the kids and went before michael left for work.


Amy said...

YEs Janelle, I hope you can be an inspiration to the rest of the family to go and exercise. How overboard did you go with bleaching your hair?

Ryan said...

My physical fitness goal this year is to be able to do 100 push-ups straight, in good form, without struggling by the end of the year. So far I can do 22 in good form. After 22, I get a little shakey.