Monday, April 21, 2008

Birthday Cake

I just wanted to show everyone the delicious cake Riley made for me. You will note the reeses peanut butter cups on the side as well as crumbled into bits on top of the cake. That's not all. Riley made a peanut butter icing to go over the top of a chocolate cake. It was absolutely mouth watering. Reeses are my favorite candy and he sculpted a master piece with that knowledge.


cobrakaidojo said...

I'm impressed that Riley knows how to make a cake let alone a quality cake. He is a superior man to me.


janellelee said...

wow! that is right up my alley! reese's are my favorite! that is a pretty amazing cake! good job riley! and look pretty too!

Ryan said...

looks delicious. Mel would love a cake like that. The last thing I ate today was a bagel. I'm very hungry right now and i would love to bury my face in that cake. Good job, Riley. Happy Birthday Amy!

cobrakaidojo said...

That looks so good. The perfect
treat, chocolate and peanut butter!! Riley great job!

cobrakaidojo said...