Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I like these two the best. I loved the 'IZ' song. These 2 are not copy cat karaoke singers. They are slightly more original and interesting.

This is dad's favorite....here is a picture of me sleeping (ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's) while I watch his boring performances. Yes, I think he has a nice voice...but he is sooooooooooo forgettable to me....no originality, no personality...

David Cook is my LEAST favorite contestant on this show.....BARF!

If David A. can make it this far...Jonny, I think you should try out next season.


jenbahrens said...

Ha ha Janelle! I'm totally shocked by your cavalier attitude toward the "true talent" on this show. I could listen to that kid sing all day. His performance was the classiest and the most professional of the night. I showed Christian his "imagine" and he said "I think I want to be a singer too." True talent inspires others to develop their own talents. I'm going to go now and pull up any David A. singing clip that I can listen to today while I clean the kitchen.

jenbahrens said...

By the way, does everyone know that I'm half kidding--I don't really care that much? Last night was actually the first time I watched the show.

You Are My Fave said...

The funny thing is I was just going to post about AI since Ryan was discussing it on the phone with his siblings until late last night. I didn't realize it was so popular amongst the Blodgetts. My analysis:
Brooke- I like her, that's about it.
Carlie- Definitely has the strongest voice but I haven't loved her the last couple of weeks. I just wish people could look past her tattoos and bad teeth.
David A.- I agree with Janelle, way too many ballads.
David C.- Could you be any more cocky?
Jason- Get rid of the dreads.
Kristy- Cheesy.
Michael- He's off and on with me. I loved when he did "We are the Champions".
Sykesha- Been there, done that.

Jonny said...

i dont watch american idol but i have heard the mormon sing on the youtube. he defintely has a nice voice but he is boring to me and has no color in his personality. typical utah mormon.

cobrakaidojo said...

A true music critic would recognize the nuanced and subtle originalities contained in Archie's presentations. The vocal range and power of his beautiful tenor voice is the class of the idol competition this year. He brings a uniqueness to the interpretations of the ballads he sings in tonal inflections and expression. But don't take my word for it. The evidence of his favor is overwhelming in the blogosphere, the pronouncements of the judges, and the fan base which is significantly larger than the other contestants. The dreadlocks and tatooed ones creep me out. I wonder what is living inside of those dreadlocks. I like Brook's personality and voice, but I fear she is too fragile in all areas to be an "idol".


janellelee said...

by music critic and fan base for david a., are you referring to all the 12 year old girls? or maybe it is paula abdul, who is incoherent 90% of the time...or perhaps it is the lonely teenager who want nothing but to feel a connection with any living thing and perhaps believes david is singing one of his boring ballads directly to them...or perhaps a middle-aged father who is trying to live vicariously thru him?

janellelee said...

just kidding!!!:)

Ryan said...

David A. is a one note and five years from now will only be performing in Wilkinson Center events at BYU.

David Cook ruined "Billie Jean," and for that I can never forgive him. He is also a Creed impersonator.

Brooke embarassed herself one week when she tried to be a hero-martyr and implored the audience to stop booing the judges after they had criticized her. Some of her other emotional reaction have been bewildering as well.

Carley, the Irish girl, has a solid voice. But too bad the judges are conspiring against her and not giving her credit for her immaculate performances.

cobrakaidojo said...

American Idol is just a platform for producing more commercialized, annoying pop singers. Also, we shouldn't judge people based on their physical appearance. Don't let your emotions get in the way of making judgements on who the better singer/entertainer is.

cobrakaidojo said...

Sorry, but Carley is way too rough edged, out of pitch, and unrefined in her presentation--she will be eliminated tomorrow night.

Sorry, but appearance is part of the whole package of presentation in order to qualify as an idol and, yes, for most of us there is a partialness toward normalcy and virtue as part of the presentation.

Sorry, but isolated examples of less than adequate judges, or a few spun up early teens are not compelling evidence compared against the millions of fans across a wide spectrum who recognize the obvious.

Get used to it--David A. rules and he will have a long career beyond idol because the strength and beauty of his voice is timeless.

Let's get back to basics and recognize true genius shall we and refute MTV, Hard Rock, and Grammy award style trumpeting which has basically "dumbed down" the definition of high quality musical art and ruined the music industry.

This is a very fun discussion!

Ryan said...

David Archuleta's presentation consists of singing slow, dull songs with no dynamism. When he tries to do anything upbeat he looks awkward. He is no performer.

Carly is the only performer. Her voice is solid, never out of pitch. As a choir participant with some vocal training, I am telling you Carly has the most solid voice. If she gets kicked off this week it is only because she doesn't have every 8th grade female in the country voting for her. David A. gets all those votes and that is the extent of his fan base.

I would not likely buy any of the performer's albums because pop music, these days, is too predictable to have ever interested me.