Wednesday, April 23, 2008

i just posted this on my blog, but wanted it here as well...

Thank you mom and dad for your wonderful, I am not talking about my good looks (which are apparent), I am talking about my teeth. One of my teeth was feeling sore, so I made an appointment with a dentist. Assuming it was a cavity that could be taken care of I went in to the appointment....but, much to my surprise, it WAS NOT a cavity. It was a nerve issue due to my recent sinus problems. I had NO cavities. Now, this might not be amazing to some of you, but it is pretty amazing to me. I haven't had a cavity since I got my braces off (about 14 years ago). Now this amazes me because I am not a very diligent teeth cleaner. I do not have a fancy toothbrush, just one from the dollar store. I go to the dentist once every year if I am not pregnant....then it is longer. I floss my teeth MAYBE 4 times in a year and I eat about 100 pounds of sugar in a year. The only attention and care I put into my teeth is brushing them in the morning and before bed. Twice a day...that is it. Is that all it takes? Considering how little I worry about my teeth, I was just very surprised. So, thank you mom and dad, I can only attribute my teeth success to your superior genetics.


cobrakaidojo said...

Wow--your teeth look great Janelle.

Amy said...

I'm jealous everytime I go to the dentist I have a cavity. I even had a root canal done when I was in the 8th grade. you're lucky.