Melanie I am sorry to hear about your layoff experience. Of course we will keep you and
Ryan in our prayers. I know the Lord will bless you.
I, for one apparently, love Sarah Palin. She is fiesty and sharp enough to be President. I am
voting for her! Obama is very articulate but lacks any real knowledge of the world. I don't
like his dismissive attitude about Rev. Wright and Ares. They both have proven to be radical
individuals who one has tried to destroy a government facility and kill Americans and the other has expressed hate for white americans. It makes me feel like Obama is hiding his
true self. In other words "say anything to get elected". Biden is a jerk and a liar. Also blatantly
lies indicating he thinks that the means justify the end result. I have great respect for McCain
and what he suffered in Vietnam. You know that he has a great love for this country. I like
the fact that he has made legislation choices that many say were wrong. That shows guts!
I would imagine that after returning to the U.S. after what he experienced in Vietnam probably was a difficult adjustment and I wouldn't blame him if he had a hard time returning to normalcy. As far as taxes and important decisions in the White House, any president has
great ideas but relies a number of advisors to put the ideas on paper and then get it to the
Sara Palin has the ability to look forward and has proven that she can get things done.
She and McCain are my picks this time!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Posted by cobrakaidojo at 5:11 PM
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both canditates have been dishonest, changed positions, and mislead the public. at this point in politics, i think it is a matter of voting for the lesser of two evils. i cannot seem to get passed the fact that obama has disregard for human life (in that of an unborn child) and he is seemingly misleading on a lot of issues. on the other hand mccain is 72? he is just in it for the power....why isnt he retired? i disagree that obama has a better handle on economics than mccain, i dont think obama really sees or understands the scope of repercutions. it comes down who has more integrity....and i just dont know. like i said...the lesser of 2 evils. a pompus baby killer? or a pompus power seeker? i might just right in mitt's name....janelle
wow, i am a terrible speller. mel, sorry about your boss and your job. that sounds really awful! good luck in finding something else! i can keep my eye out here in kennewick:)
another thing about palin...dem. are treating her like a joke...and i think that is so insulting.considering a lot of americans relate to her. i feel, like i did w/mitt, that she is refreshing and honest. she is not a typical politition, which is a great thing. she is unapoligetic and she is firm on her views even tho they are not more "mainstream". i like her as well, and i think she would add a great viewpoint to the whitehouse!
The abortion issue really gets to me as well. It is wrong to use abortion as a form of birth control and to say that because I feel this way, I'm trying to take away another woman's right to "choose" what she does with her body. Ridiculous argument.
I like Palin just fine. She exceeded my expectations in the debate. That was the first time I've really seen her speak. She does not field questions on the campaign trial and does limited interviews. She is at a disadvantage because she wasn't a part of the two-year long campaign process this year in which Biden, Obama, and McCain each participated while shirking their duties as legislators. So I don't hold her inability to answer questions in interviews against her; however, I want to see more fielding of questions because I think she is good at it. She connects with people and is a Washington outsider. I reserve the same arguments about her lack of experience that I have for Obama.
I don't think that Obama is stronger on the economy. I think Obama and McCain are ill-equipped to handle the biggest issue of the election, which is the economy. This is why I wanted Mitt and this is why I think McCain should've selected Meg Whitman.
I do think, however, that Obama is more likely to tax the rich and make the country pay, financially, for our decision to fight a war. In an odd way, I believe the democratic ticket is more likely to behave fiscally responsible. The republican party needs to return to the ideal of fiscal conservatism. I say let the democrats have the whitehouse for four years to bring in higher revenues to pay for the republican's irresponsibilities. Then in 2012, we'll elect a real candidate who can handle the money.
Bush and the Military have kept the country secure since 9/11 and Bush has selected good conservative judges to the Supreme Court. Please note that at least one of them has stated that he would not overturn Roe v. Wade. So is Bush a baby killer?
The fact that Palin comes from and relates to common people, such as "Joe Six-Pack" does not excite me, because I want the leaders of the country to be more than common.
I want only the most educated, experienced, thoughtful people to lead the country. I don't want someone who connects with or relates to me. I want someone who can demonstrate that she can govern by engaging in meaningful discussions about important issues.
I was not impressed with Palin's debate performace because all she did was recite canned answers. She did not prove that she much about anything. Moreover, she kept winking at the camera. What was up with that? I have yet to hear anything of substance from her. To be honest, everytime I hear her, she reminds me of a really bad actor in an infomercial.
I get the politics of her nomination, and believe that she will probably help McCain more then hurt him. It scares me to think of her running the country, however. That isn't a job for regular, relateable people. Incidentally, we just had one of those regular guys, and he completely messed everything up.
This is not to say that Biden would be better. Thus, I agree that we are probably faced with the having to pick the lesser of two evils.
If "educated" means Ivy League, it is akin to the "foolishness of the wise". As we all know, often the most formally educated among us, including those educated in expensive private schools, or from the largesse of affirmative action hand-outs, lack understanding and wisdom.
If "experienced" means Washington D.C. government experience, or the experience that comes from "black power" preachers and extreme revolutionary, social idealogues from inner city Chicago, then the shortcomings there are obvious to everyone.
If "thoughtful" means reflections from a lifetime of experience that does not include sacrifice, hardship, or identification with the common man, then such thoughtfulness is jaundiced and far removed from prudence.
Sarah Palin is more educated in the attachment to reality, more experienced from the diversity of everyday, identifiable type living, and more thoughtful from the travail and multi-colored tapestry of her life's experience as an executive, a mother, a leader, and a Christian believer than Obama or Biden by a double digit factor. She is an optimist and believes in the greatness of America and her face reflects the love of her family, neighbors, community, and her country. We need people like that close to the pinnacles of power.
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