Saturday, October 4, 2008

See Jon, I might not be the only crazy liberal in this family

My political views right now: still undecided, but I think Tina Fey does a great job of imitating Sarah Palin.

I was just going to let you all know that I got laid off this week. I feel like I'm back at square one and I'm headed for months of discouraging unemployment. I did not really like my job but sometimes the safety of having a job is better then not having one. It wouldn't really have been that bad but my boss handled everything very poorly and insulted me on many levels. Please remember Ryan and me in your prayers.



jenbahrens said...

Melanie--that is devastating news. We will definitely keep you in our prayers. I'm sorry your boss was mean--no one deserves that. Maybe you can take him down with an unjust/discriminatory firing lawsuit.

Amy said...

Melanie, I'm really sorry. Maybe now is the time for me to hire you to decorate my home.