Monday, October 6, 2008

Spreading Untrue Rumors

Today I received an e-mail from Mom that was forwarded to her by Kathy.  At the end of the e-mail, Kathy indicates that Mom should forward the message to those leaning towards voting for Obama--"Ron and Melanie, whoever."  

Jon, don't spread rumors that are untrue.  Melanie has yet to lean one way or the other. But now we will probably never know of any of Melanie's political beliefs because she is afraid that if she voices something that runs contrary to what the majority of our family believes she might be subject to an intervention.

I was the one indicating leanings towards Obama this election and should, therefore, be the target of "correction."  I agree in part and disagree in part with Jason's writings.  The principle of independence and its gospel parallel, free agency, are best espoused by the ideals of conservatism.  Indeed, I am conservative.  I agree that Hollywood and the university-level education industry (in general, though not entirely) are at work to sway the country to amorality and a culture of entitlement to Federal Government Band-aids.  I agree that federal government growth has occurred over a long period of time, namely from FDR till GWB.

I disagree that a vote for Obama is a vote for the extreme left.  Over the last eight years, GWB has protected our security interests by waging a war which I support although I am only able to support it by placing a "support the troops" ribbon on my car.  The only real manner in which an American can support the war is to join the military.  I have not been asked to pay a war tax.  Instead, my children and grandchildren have been asked to pay for it in the form of a promissory note with the Chinese Government as the benefactor.  Obama will do the fiscally responsible thing and tax us to pay our debts.  Obama will do the fiscally responsible thing and tax us for the massive Wallstreet bailout.  I'll take four years of Obama if it means extinguishing debts by paying as we go.  

The First Presidency has made it clear that you should objectively weigh options.  You probably have not.  You have all probably dismissed Obama just as quickly as the left dismisses Palin.

Finally, I believe that a McCain loss will be the best thing for the conservative cause.  Bush Jr. and McCain have been a step in the wrong direction.  Let me reiterate--Bush has been right on the national security and certain social issues, but wrong on spending in almost every instance.  Palin is a step in the right direction and, though she is just as unqualified as Obama, I believe she represents the direction the Right wants to go.  Further, if Romney runs in 2012 the conservative cause will be officially back on track.  I have not decided to vote for Obama yet but I have weighed it and for the next four years I am unconvinced that Obama is the lesser of two evils.
