Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Reasons why I would never vote for Obama.....ever!

  1. Having graduated in Economics, I often find that the economy is an issue that I base a great portion of my vote on. I am a strong advocate of capitalism and the least amount of government interference as possible. Obviously the economy has been on the brink of recession for quite awhile now. GDP has been barely positive in the last few quarters growing at an alarmingly slow rate. Barack Hussein Obama is an advocate of raising the capital gains tax, amongst other taxes. He may raise the rate up to as high as 28%, but 25% is the most quoted figure for the tax hike (The current rate is 15%). (Obama has backpeddled a bit and said he may only raise it to 20%, but you have to believe he's just saying that to get elected and can't trust he won't stick with his 25% once elected). This will obviously have a huge, negative impact on the economy and especially on the growth of GDP. I will leave a link to an article discussing the issue at the end of this point. Quoting that article, "According to the Institute for Research on the Economics of Taxation, Mr. Obama's tax hike would knock off $2.5 trillion in capital formation over five years, or nearly 2% of gross domestic product.
    "If we are only growing around 2% over the next five years, then we will have virtually zero growth for the period," the president of the institute, Stephen Entin, said. "This will create a permanent hit of 5% or greater to GDP."' So, I strongly disagree with this raise in the capital gains tax and find it very harmful to our economy. I also am not happy with his stance of letting the Bush tax cuts expire and him wanting to raise taxes on corporations, which is basically export jobs.
  2. Obama's stance on abortion, particularly partial-birth abortion, quite frankly scares me. Obama is pro-choice as everybody knows, so we won't delve into that. Obama strongly opposed a ban on partial-birth abbortion and also criticized the Supreme Court's decision to uphold the ban. Obama also voted in Illinois against a bill similar to the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. Basically had Obama had his way, it would have been legal for doctors to leave infants, accidentally born during botched abortions, alone without care until they die.
  3. The president of the United States appoints Supreme Court justices. Obama being extremely liberal, if given the chance, would appoint justices with extreme left-leaning values, principles, and morals. Such justices may attack traditional values of conservatism.
  4. Obama has flip-flopped on his Iraq stance. Initially, he wanted to pull all troops out immediately, once in office. This was very appealling to the liberal left and helped him win the Democratic nomination. Now, he wants a gradual withdrawal. Why? He knows that his extreme view of pulling the troops out immediately will not win him votes in the center with independants and more moderate conservatives. He also realized that he was dead wrong in his opposition to the "surge". Once again, I don't think we can trust that he'll stick with the gradual withdrawal once in office, in my opinion, it's more likely that he'll convert back to his original stance and pull troops out as fast as he can.
  5. Michelle Obama on patriotism - "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country …" Really? Only now? Obama is married to this unpatriotic woman.
  6. Obama's stance on health care will take this nation to the brink of socialism. It's not quite socialized health care, but it's one poor decision/step away. Socialized (or universal) health care means longer lines/waits for doctor visits/appointments, lesser quality of health care (Intelligent young students will be less inclined to enter the medical field since pay will be lowered substantially), less or no specialization in medicine, and finally an increase in taxes and the national debt.
  7. Obama has some very shady acquaintances, namely Bill Ayers and Reverend Jeremiah Wright. If you're not familiar with these characters google their names and read some of their quotes (I'm tired of typing and I'm getting lazy). Let's just say they are extremely anti-American and have had influence on the Great Barack Obama.

There are several others reasons I would never vote for Obama, but I'm tired and I'm going to call it a night. Besides this is a long post for my first ever in the famous "News From the Bitter Root" Blog!



Ryan said...

I was waiting for Riley to chime in. I knew this discussion would get him on the blog!

I agree that the ideals of socialism/communism, run contrary to to the principle of independence
or its gospel counterpart, free agency. This is not to say that capitalism is any more innocent. see:

While capitalism places accountability on individuals, and is therefore the higher ideal, where should regulation begin if at all? Does government regulation in a capitalist society represent socialist
corrosion? If so, then I argue that a little socialist corrosion represents no evil especially where it balances out the evil aspects of capitalism. Since FDR, our government has become increasingly more socialist, as you state.

I do not fear passage of many of Obama's spending proposals because all of our money is tied up in debt -- Washington should be unwilling to spend anything and McCain needs to be hammering this argument home more. government should require less money by getting smaller and hold greedy executives accountable for the havoc they wreak on Wallstreet. McCain also needs to make the hard argument that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac fostered a sense of entitlement to a home. But these arguments are missing from his rhetoric and instead we are inundated with slick-sounding federal programs that will put a band-aid on everything. Bush has been a terrible practitioner of fiscal conservatism; McCain has fallen short on making the arguments for fiscal conservatism in this election. I'm not citing this as a reason for voting for Obama. I am trying to rally readers of this post to think forward to 2012.

janellelee said...

riley, it is good to hear your point of view...the only thing i want to add, was that i thought mccain did a good job in the debate targeting obama in the fannie mae debacle.