Monday, September 17, 2007

Amy's Job

Why am I working for a professional animal trapper? I ask myself this question every time I go into work. I'm only working 10 hours a week now, but it still seems like my time is dragged out at work. I want to work for the local court house in some way or at a local museum. Yet, I am working for a man who finds pleasure in trapping animals. I guess someone has to do it. I just have other ambitions. Let me give you some insight into my boss's personality. (sorry if i've told you this story already, I don't remember who I've told) One day, we were having a team meeting. At the time, I was working with two other young males in the office. My boss was talking about how we need to make sure we have clear instructions on procedures in the office written down for future workers of Wildlife Solutions. I quote him talking to the three of us, "Now Derek, when you're off singing on Broadway, Aaron when you're wrestling in China, and Amy (he hesitates, desperately trying to think of something) when you're off making babies, employees of this company will know the procedures without having to call you guys." I looked at him and started laughing. He said, "What are you laughing at?" I said, "Why can't I be running in the Olympics or something?" His reply with all seriousness in his face, "Well you made a promise at the altar to multiply and replenish the Earth." Of course I will one day be a mother, but realistically are those other two guys really going to be singing on Broadway or Wrestling professionally? No. He couldn't make up some far off dream for me. I just thought it was funny that because I'm a woman the only future he sees for me is to "make babies." By the way the picture above are some raccoons he's trapped.


cobrakaidojo said...

your boss kinda of sounds like a sexist. i would hate to have that job because i would be afraid that the caged animals would attack me, "sometimes when you cage the beast the beast gets angry."

cobrakaidojo said...

Amy, I am concerned for your welfare in that work environment. Does he ever shoot the animals he traps? I recommend that you and Riley rent the movie, "Jeremiah Johnson" starring Robert Redford to get a feel for your future lifestyle if you continue down your current career path.


Ryan said...

that is hilarious, Amy. You should ask your boss whether its within his stewardship to remind you of the covenants of the temple.

janellelee said...

(snicker) that was a funny story, i had not heard that paticular one before...
i have 2 issues...
issue #1. you are working with rodents, wild animals and creatures of the night.
issue #2. you are working with a boss who could probably fit into my #1 catagory.

jenbahrens said...

He is reminding me a little of my seminary teacher Brother Elkins. Do you remember Janelle? Harmless yet some very off-the-wall comments. Isn't there anyone else who would hire a talented, brilliant soon-to-be college graduate? I just think you should be able to easily find something else. I may be wrong though.

janellelee said...

oh my gosh, brother elkins...ya..."you know, whats her legs?"
he was nice, but slightly creepy!