Friday, September 21, 2007

Ryan on Friday Mornings and 8 hour blocks

Today, my friday morning class was cancelled and I don't have any other classes/review sessions today. So I made a delicious breakfast for Mel before she left for work, read some news on the internet for a while, then went on a run with Kings of Leon playing on my iPod. I now sit shirtless before my computer typing my update. The fact that it is only nine o'clock in the morning is pleasing to me, for I have eight hours of study time ahead of me. I will stop when Mel is home around six because eight hours is enough study time.

I am machine-like in my sleeping patterns. I must have exactly 7-8 hours of sleep or else I can't function optimally. I don't know if it is something with my physiology or if it is the peace of mind that 7-8 hours provides. If I don't sleep enough, for example, I feel angry that I didn't sleep enough rather than slow and groggy. I am alert and able to perform physically and mentally, but frustrated that I didn't sleep enough. Likewise, if I oversleep I feel angry that I've wasted my day. Is this a normal reaction?

Anyway, getting 7-8 hours of sleep is key to my happiness.


cobrakaidojo said...


It is good that you receive adequate, blissful sleep; that is the sign of a clear conscience.


jenbahrens said...

I love sleep as well. Rest up now because sleep will become more rare as you get older!

Amy said...

I agree Ryan, For some reason I function best off of 7-8 hours of sleep. I always arrange my schedule to get that many hours of sleep. Sundays are the days I can sleep in even then I still get up around 8. My body doesn't need more or less then that.

janellelee said...

I become bitter and enraged when I do not recieve at least 4 hours of sound sleep. I used to have the same reaction when I got less than 9 hours...I have learned how to curb my morning anger. I have also learned the art of blissful sleep. I am able to "sleep fast" as I am frequently awakened by a screaming child or a tearful child. So, any MINUTE or perhaps any HOUR of sleep is soaked and absorbed. I appreciate my bed and the comforts of my soft pillow as it is constantly alluding me. I am glad that you are so profoundly attentive at 9am. Michael is a morning person. I am not.

Ryan said...

I'm a morning person as long as I've gotten 7-8 hours.

Is Micheal Huff posting as "the outsider"? Who is that?

janellelee said...

no, michael is not the outsider...i was wondering who that was myself. sounds like there's a mystery to solve gang!

cobrakaidojo said...
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cobrakaidojo said...

Dad told me that Jon said Aunt Kathy is posting as "The Outsider".